Martin Engineering Blog

Band-Aids: Good Temporary Fix - Not A Permanent Solution!

Written by Sid Dev | Jun 25, 2021 9:08:23 PM

band-aid: (noun) a makeshift or temporary solution. Oxford Languages 

I am going to focus on the word "temporary." I feel like in life - at least mine- we get used to taking shortcuts or making quick fixes...temporary fixes. Whether we think we don't have the time, money, or knowledge to correctly handle the situation or we just think "that's the way it is," I'm here to tell you that there is a better, more permanent solution! Just ask my wife. ðŸ˜€

For the last 20 years, my wife has "just dealt with" my snoring. We tried several "solutions" with no real success. I can't tell you how many times I would hear her say "roll over on your side." I tried nose strips and she tried earplugs. I spent countless nights sleeping on the couch. I spent hundreds of dollars on different types of pillows. I also experimented with melatonin/sleeping pills. I tried a lot of band-aid fixes but never truly solved the problem. 

It was time for me to get to take action....or get divorced. I went to my doctor and was referred to a specialist who deals with thousands of patients struggling with the same issue. I completed a questionnaire on sleep habits and participated in an overnight observation. The root cause = sleep apnea. The solution = CPAP machine. Once the problem was fully understood and diagnosed, one piece of equipment solved 20 years of sleep struggles (and marital tiffs). Two weeks in and I am more rested and feel so much better throughout the workday. AND I get to sleep in my own bed! ðŸ’¤

Band-Aids In Material Handling

My recent snoring solution got me thinking of the last site visit I went on, specifically the questionnaire I had to fill out. When on-site and trying to understand the full scope of a problem plaguing an operation, I often run through an application "survey." 

In this specific instance, the problem was material buildup in the truck dump hopper that feeds the primary crusher. I chatted with the staff and ran through these questions: 

  • How often do you send someone to manually clear the obstruction? 
  • Do you experience reduced or less-than-maximum capacity of your operation?
  • Are the tons per hour reduced due to buildup?
  • How much do you spend on labor and equipment to maintain proper material flow?
  • Do you have equipment parked near the crusher to perform continuous cleanup?
  • Do you slow down production to meet material needs?

Whether the blockage occurs in the truck dump hopper, feeder, or within the throat of the crusher, there is a solution! 

Just as the root cause of my snoring was sleep apnea, the root cause of hindered productivity at the quarry was buildup. Previously, the operation was alleviating buildup to an extent...temporarily but not addressing the root cause in order to find an actual solution. The solution = . Cannons help move and fluidize buildup to maximize the capacity and throughput of the crusher. The cannons can be manually fired or placed on a timed sequence.

Don't accept the standard practice just because that is how it has always been done. There can be a better way to do things and improve the operation. Stop using band-aids (which can cost more in the long run) and aim for a better solution.