Brush Your Teeth & Maintain Your Conveyor Belt

"Brush your teeth!” If I had a quarter for every time I said that to my kids, I would probably have enough money to buy each of them braces someday!  “Ugh, but why, Mom?” That gets said a lot in my house too. If I had a quarter...! 💲


I explain that taking care of their teeth daily will hopefully prevent cavities and major dental work down the road. They often think and hope that doing a mediocre job most days and brushing really good right before the dentist will do the trick. Sorry, kids - life doesn't work that way. 

Conveyor Belts Need Cleaned & Maintained Too

Much like conveyor belts...they are not install-and-forget pieces of equipment. They can't be ignored or rarely maintained and expected to last. 


In order to maximize the life and efficiency of your conveyor belt, you must maintain it along the way. 

Learn More About Conveyor Belt Maintenance

  • Belt Storage – Before you even put your belt to use, make sure to store it properly to prevent belt camber. It should be lifted off of the ground, wrapped or protected from the elements, and rotated every 90 days. This will ensure the belt is capable of running "straight."
Proper BeltStorage
  • Belt Support – By properly supporting the belt, it can better absorb the force of falling material at transfer points, minimizing damage and excessive wear to the belt and structure. Idler spacing is very important and a crucial aspect in belt support. 
Read More On Proper Idler Spacing
  • Belt Cleaning & Tensioning – Thoroughly cleaning conveyor belts at the head pulley eliminates problems with carryback and spillage. Belt cleaners help return material to the main stream, where it is intended to be. In order for belt cleaners to remove carryback to the best of their ability, they must be inspected and tensioned.  

Primary Belt Cleaner, Conveyor, Sky, Twist Tensioner

  • Belt Alignment –  When a conveyor belt tends to run to one side as opposed to stay centered, belt edge damage occurs. Material is also prone to spill from the belt, requiring manual cleanup. Some root causes of belt misalignment are; structure and pulley misalignment, incorrect splicing procedure, improper belt storage, and over tensioning of the belt. 

Prevent Belt Misalignment

  • Routine Inspection - Just like regular teeth cleanings, the conveyor belt should be regularly inspected. Walking the belt allows trained eyes to see issues such as; heat damage, impact damage, top cover cracking, belt cupping, and more...all of which can negatively affect getting material from point A to point B. 
Heat Damage

Learn How To Protect Your InvestmentSo, the next time you get that postcard or text reminder from the dentist, be sure to not put it off. Be sure to brush. And, check on your conveyor belt & accessories...they might need some attention also. 

