I am a big football fan (Go Pack, Go!), and even though my team didn’t make it to the Super Bowl, I am still a huge fan of the sport. I love everything about it, the exciting games, the players (pre-long hair Aaron Rodgers especially), the touchdown dances and celebrations after big plays, etc. I love football so much that I struggle knowing there are people out there that think it is too complicated to understand. Much like people think football is a complicated sport, I was thinking how complex a material handling operation can be.
What really gets her confused are the 4 downs. I know you’re thinking, what about 4 downs is confusing (trust me, so am I)? She doesn’t understand that you have 4 downs to make it 10 yards. If you get those ten yards in the first try, you now have 4 new downs to go another 10 yards. I was getting nowhere so I decided to take a new approach to explain football logic.
I told her to imagine that:
The referee has just shown up on-site and is ready to start throwing penalty flags because he notices there is a spillage problem on the 40-yard line. The defense has done all they can do, exhausted all options to stop this penalty, and are sitting on the bench taking a break. It’s time for the quarterback to go out there and shine!
The quarterback walks up to the conveyor(s) encountering spillage issues. It’s first down and they identify the problems. Good job, advance 3 yards. 2nd down = 7 more yards to go. The quarterback takes another snap and offers a solution to the problem, 3 yards gained accompanied by a sigh of relief from the defense. 6 yards to go and the foreman just approved the quote for the installation of the specified solutions. 3 more yards gained! The quarterback is back on site ready to install the solutions = 3 more yards. FIRST DOWN!!
The referee put his flag away, no more penalties to give out on this drive. On to the next 10 yards to see what other solutions the quarterback, the service technician, can offer this plant. The defense did the right thing, they stopped the problem from becoming worse and let their quarterback take it from there. Had the quarterback fumbled, it would have been the competitor's ball.