When we quote projects, we are always asked to include belt cleaners. We are used to that, sometimes customers even refer to us as "the belt cleaner people." But, we are so much more than that. Seldomly, tail pulley protection is asked about in the project scope. Utilizing tail protection on your conveyor is like plowing snow. Tail protection products are designed to "plow" discharged material to the side(s) of the belt conveyor for easy and safe cleanup.
A diagonal plow cleans the belt while discharging material to one side of the conveyor, similar to a truck or tractor with a blade on it moving snow to the side of the road. The
While a VPlow moves the material on your conveyor, discharging it on both sides of the conveyor for easy and convenient cleanup. The
Mounted with a unique suspension, the
There are applications (and storms) that require extra heavy-duty attention.
We all know that not removing snow from roads can cause accidents and damage to the roads. VPlows work very much the same. They are designed to prevent material that has landed on the inside of the belt during the return from being pulled into the tail pulley. If it is not removed, the material can cause extensive damage to the entire conveyor system, especially the tail pulley and the belt. It also creates the need for repetitive and dangerous manual cleanup, requiring workers to be in close proximity to the conveyor and moving parts.
Enough about plows and snow....the winter weather that has been lingering around (ugh!) just got me thinking about that correlation. However, in my everyday work, I see a lot of situations where it isn't exactly known what is needed for a conveyor project/upgrade. Things might look sufficient on paper but once installed and in operation, it is a whole different story. Trust me, I have spent 40+ years supporting customers in all stages of projects - from conceptualizing to installation and startup.
That is why we are here and do what we do. We enjoy helping customers through some of the most time-sensitive, deadline-heavy, and cumbersome aspects of project planning. Product specification is a huge portion of what we do...we want to make sure the right solutions are incorporated to get the desired results.
I personally hope the season for shoveling and plowing snow is coming to an end (I'm more of a warm-weather gal), but keeping conveyors clean and in good operating condition never stops. So, do not forget to include tail protection - and all of the necessary components - in your next RFQ (request for quotation). You want to have the correct items on hand so you stay on schedule for installation and startup!
If you don't know exactly what solutions/products are needed for your project, that is what our team specializes in. We provide assistance at all stages of projects to make sure deadlines are met and material handling is clean, safe, and productive.